My Awesome Dudeish Followers

Sunday 30 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

today is halloween!!!!!! i hope i get lots and lots of candaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!! theres barely and kids on our street so we get extra candy aaannndddd i'm going with marsMD. love will be in the aaaiiirrr. JK! well, i have a crush on her. --  anyway, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! GET LOTS OF CANDY AND WADDLE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday 14 October 2011


OK, ok i know i haven't been blogging in  a long time, but i've been really busy lately. running around my neighborhood and delevering flyers, starting to collect bottles for my bottle drive( to support my hockey team)
lots and lots of homework. my teacher gives me tons a night, every night. thank god i only have a little math to tonight. well, yeah stuff like that, so i'm sorry. i just have so much in life to do now. also my sis uploaded a HIARIOUS vid on youtube. it's called OMG!Webkinz sleepover! ok ko, sounds girly and stupid but is is really hilarious. if you still don't beleive me and are too lazy to go to youtube then continue reading. if you do beleive me THEN WATCH IT! ok, so first its all like "so cute" at the first 3 seconds because there is a webkinz petal puppy sleeping in a bed, with a lulaby playing, then all the sudden me and my sister scream while kassia (yes... my sister) films a creapy baby doll my mom had when she was young. ok, i know gross. well, it feels good knowing that kassia can stop being like "WHY DON'T YOU UPDATE YOUR BLOG? YOU KNOW I FOLLOW IT!!!!!" AND SHE STARTES SCREAMING AT ME.
Waddle on,
Jack97397 :)