My Awesome Dudeish Followers

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Top 20 things about me

1. I love anything made with maple.
2.I'm a boy
3.I have a sister named Kassia with a blog of her own. this is her blog: family has one pitbull and two bearded collies(dana and taika). but lil`homie
my pitbull always goes into, like werewolf mode when he sees my sisters camera. so theres no videos on youtube with him in it.

5.i have 2 ipads, all mine.
6.i also have an ipod touch.
7.I'm allergic to grass.
8.I love fudge
9.i stole this idea from my sister(don't tell!).$ha creeps me out.
11.i love the black eyed peas parents own a red corvet favourite sport is break dancing
14. I hate aunt arctic
17. i long to be a famous blogger like damian101
18. im not a nerd
19. im cool

The great puffle circus!

Green puffle
Black puffle
brown puffle
okay, scince the fair is here theres the great puffle circus! only members can go in, though but im dudishly nice enough (again) to show you. if theres a      party in the next six months and you want to see the member places then i'd be happy77 to show you(hardy har har.). anyway      back to the subject. i want to show you my favourite three acts! ok, there above but some reason blogspot wouldn't let me drag them to the bottom. who cares anyway? not me. maybe me... ok, me.

Waddle on!


The Fair is HERE!

OK DUDES THE FAIR IS FINALLY HERE!!!! i wasted so much of my money on costumes and im still saving up for one. but the i heart pizza shirt is weird. its like you poo out pizza and then eat it, or you were storing pizza in your butt. well, anyways scince my dads laptop is working here are my crazy costumes!

                                                                                          butt pizza eater!
BEAT UP THE MIME!                                                                                                                 The incredible hulks found his match   

Well, thats not much but thank GOD the fair is here! i've waited so long! it is mymostfavouritepartyever!!!!
Until next time,

Waddle on!


Saturday, 10 September 2011

The fair!!!!

Yo yo yo yoooo!!!!!!! the fair is almost here!!!!!!  on September 22 THE FAIR IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am dressed up as an idiot and i am ready to act like a lunatic! as the last post said, i can't upload any pictures.this is all i can get :(. than that means sadly, i won't be able to show you my reterded outfit. one thing, i am wearing a car.


ok, sorry about not editing my blog but i coulden't get to my dads laptop to do the pictures. soooooo.... i guess heres a post. i promise i will post more often. ok???? ok. don't loook at me like that.